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photo of students holding foam On Friday, October 5th, 2018, Nomaco and our sister company, Vinventions, welcomed local students and educators into our facilities for tours as part of Manufacturing Day 2018. This was Nomaco’s first year participating in Manufacturing Day, an annual national event. On this day, thousands of manufacturers host students and local community members for plant tours and presentations designed to showcase modern manufacturing careers.

“It was great to see the students’ interest in our manufacturing processes,” said John Wojcik, VP of Operations for Nomaco. “I hope that learning more about what we do inspires these students to consider manufacturing as a future career.”

Over the next decade, it is estimated that nearly 3.5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs will be needed. Two million of those jobs are expected to go unfilled due to manufacturers’ inability to find talent with the required skills. With events like Manufacturing Day, perhaps we can help close that gap.

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